Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Thursday, June 27, 2013


One step forward in the adoption world can equal TWO very big and frustrating steps backwards.  I had to get lab work done for my adoption, it came back slightly abnormal but nothing to be worried about.  I was just happy to have it done.  I got a call from my doctor today that she wants more blood work done because of the abnormal value's that were found.  I then has a visit with my social worker asking about my paperwork that I gave her 2 days ago.  Well my employer notarized my paperwork wrong.  I had to redo the paperwork yesterday.  Then my social worker asked how long ago I had sent in my FBI clearance.  I said that I did not.  She said that it can take up to 8 weeks to get clearance back.  I also have to get a psych eval done by a psychiatrist stating that I can mentally parent a child from another country.  I called 11 psychiatrist last week and they all said they do not perform these type of evaluations.  So I have hit the ever frustrating roadblock of adoption paperwork. 

Another frustration this week was having a co-worker of mine state that she didn't understand why someone that has their "own" children would adopt.  I stated I had my "own" child and was continuing to adopt.  She then stated "No you have adopted a child, You know what I mean".  Yes I know exactly what people mean, it is called being uneducated about adoption.

hopefully good news next time

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