Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Monday, June 18, 2012

Well I would LOVE to say the Kadin and Lennox are the best of brother, but that would not be true!  I can say that Kadin and Lennox are starting to tolerate each other more and more everyday.  I do see that Lennox is picking up on Kadin bad attitude.  Lennox like to throw tantrum already.  He will look to the side and grunt when he is mad.  When I try to comfort him, he will throw himself on the ground and scream. 

As for Lennox, he is doing pretty good.  He is eating everything in site and is a growing growing boy.  He has figured out that he can run and jump.  He love to take things apart and try and put them back together.  He sat and took apart a water spray bottle and placed small toys in it and put the cap on.  He did this over and over again.  He is also starting to talk more.  He isn't saying any useful words, but he is starting to talk.  He says Momma, Hi, Bye, Bella (my sister's dog), Lobo (my mother's dog), No, and a word that sounds like thank you.  I wish he would say more, please, drink, eat, and/or bites. 

Will update more later