Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Home Study Update

Today I had a visit with DCFS for them to approve the use of my own beds for international adoption.  This is part of the process that I do not understand.  I am a licensed foster home for 2 children already.  I now have to get two different pieces of paper from DCFS that state they will increase my foster care license to cover my adopted children.  I do not understand why DCFS has any say in the children that I bring into my home. Anyway there is nothing that I can do about it so I had my visit this morning at 1000.  They have agreed that I can adopt internationally.  I just need DCFS to figure out what two pieces of paper I need, right now they are unsure of what the international agency needs.

I then had a visit at 1400 with Susan my homestudy social worker to update my homestudy.  The homestudy is a major piece of the "paper chase" process.  This is basically a very detailed biography of your life including thoughts and feeling on adoption, financial records, family life, childhood, work life, home layout, children in the home, background checks and so forth.  I already had a homestudy with Lennox 2 years ago so this is just an update.  I told her about my new foster son Adrian, my families' new jobs, and current social life which consists of playing with my children. 

I also will hand in my "first" mailer to Children of all Nations tomorrow.  This mailer will have POA to Children of all Nations notarized, drivers license copy, and second payment of $2200.  I will also start working on the list of updates for my homestudy.  Updated driver license photo, passport photo, employment verification letter, and a few other small things. 

I have to say that it feels GREAT to be starting this adoption

more later

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