I received an email from my adoption agency on Tuesday telling me that I have a court date. They didn't even call I was so surprised when I opened my email and saw what it said. I go to court in Ethiopia October 13th. I have to be there no later than the morning of October 11th and can leave as early as the evening of October 14th. I am going to try to stick to these dates the best that I can because I want to use as little vacation time as possible. I found out last week that I can only use my vacation time for the adoption and not my sick bank. I only have 5 weeks vacation left this year. I was planning on staying in Ethiopia to spend time with Lennox for 7-10 day and then take 6-7 weeks off when I actually bring him home. So now I am working with getting every done with only 5 weeks of vacation. I can legally have 12 weeks of FMLA but adoptions only allow vacation to be used. I would have to take a couple weeks without pay if I wanted to stay home the full 7 weeks. Anyway back to the adoption news. I am working with a travel agent now to figure out how to get to Ethiopia!! I will keep everyone updated on this next exciting step.
FYI.... The latest update on Lennox is great. His lab work came back good, he does have pink eye right now though. He also is not one of those little orphanage kids that many of you are picturing in you heads. He is a healthy 20 pounds, 27 inches, and is 7 months old. He is going to be a big boy just like Kadin.
more later
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